A01 Study of social structure in prehistoric humans using archaeological methods

Yasuhiro YAMADA
Professor, Graduate School of Humanities, Tokyo Metropolitan University
A02 A study on reconstruction of genetic relationships among prehistoric human bones using genomes and morphological traits

Hiroki OOTA
Graduate School of Sciences, University of Tokyo, Professor
A03 Research on age, dietary restoration, and migration through the isotopic analysis of prehistoric bone

Soichiro KUSAKA
Associate Professor, School of Humanities, Tokai University
B01 Dispersal of modern homo sapiens in the Japanese archipelago during the last glacial

Masami IZUHO
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Humanities, Tokyo Metropolitan University
B02 The Formation of Prehistoric Populations and their Cultures In Hokkaido

Hirofumi KATO
Professor, Center for Ainu and Indigenous Studies, Hokkaido University
B03 The formation of human populations and cultures in the Ryukyu Archipelago

Ryosuke KIMURA
Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, University of the Ryukyus
B04 Formation of Prehistoric Humans and Cultures in the Honshu-Shikoku-Kyushu Region

National Museum of Nature and Science・senior curator
B05 Research on the population dynamics of prehistoric humans

Kinugasa Research Office, Research Department, Ritsumeikan University,URA (University Research Administrator)
C01 Study of Paleoenvironmental Changes in the Japanese Archipelago

National Museum of Japanese History, Research Department, Associate Professor
C02 Study on the Anthropogenic Environmental Formation by Prehistoric Humans (Fauna)

Associate Professor, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University
C03 Study on Anthropogenic Environmental Formation by Prehistoric Humans (Flora)

Hiroo NASU
Associate Professor, Center for Fundamental Education, Okayama University of Science